Chinese Music for Language Learning

“So why do you love learning Chinese?” I get asked this all the time from both American and Chinese people. A language so challenging and complex, Mandarin doesn’t seem like a realistic choice for a Black kid who never lived in Asia before. My response to those questions: the music. In spring after my acceptanceContinue reading “Chinese Music for Language Learning”

Videomaking for Language Learning

Picking up my clunky NSLI-Y phone to film my first video assignment for I-EARN, a world of opportunity opened up to me––not only opportunities to capture hard-to-translate memories, but also opportunities to create space in my language journey, that I could claim for my own. In the classroom, language progress is defined by set vocabContinue reading “Videomaking for Language Learning”

Grounding Yourself

Studying abroad is challenging. During the pre-departure orientation, implementing organizations will simultaneously warn you of culture shock-induced lows and simultaneously urge you to push yourself, be uncomfortable, and be grateful for the opportunity you are given. Reconciling these two forces of the NSLI-Y experience are, in my opinion, the most difficult aspects of studying abroad.Continue reading “Grounding Yourself”

“But you look Chinese!?!”

Honking cars, loud street-food stands, busy people, and crazy busses.  Welcome to Zhuhai, China on an average day. Standing in the middle of the sidewalk, waiting for the street light to change so I could cross the street, I look around at all the action of the city.  Everyone is walking, biking, and driving withContinue reading ““But you look Chinese!?!””